The power of online community continues to AMAZE me. Just a few weeks ago I left a "dare" on Drew McLellan's blog ... (go on Drew, dare you ... what do you say?). Next thing you know we have an awesome list of bloggers signing on for a chapter of an eBook -- The Age of Conversation. It is a great topic, but even more importantly, it is a great cause ... because, that's right -- all proceeds from the sale of the eBook will go to Variety, the Children's Charity.
There have been hundreds of emails to and fro, communicating with the contributing authors, clarifying items, topics and so on ... but we have now closed the contributors list. (Drew, how will I get by without 50 emails from you a day?) Now, I must admit, I wondered how many authors we would come on board, but we have actually exceeded our target of 100 ... and now the hard work, and excitement, begins for all of you contributors. Remember -- all chapters are due 30 April!
And just to whet your appetite, here are the names (and where available), blog links for all contributors.
Gavin Heaton
Drew McLellan
Valeria Maltoni
Emily Reed
Katie Chatfield
Greg Verdino
Mack Collier
Lewis Green
Ann Handley
Mike Sansone
Paul McEnany
Roger von Oech
Anna Farmery
David Armano
Bob Glaza
Mark Goren
Matt Dickman
Scott Monty
Richard Huntington
Cam Beck
David Reich
Mindblob (Luc)
Sean Howard
Tim Jackson
Patrick Schaber
Roberta Rosenberg
Uwe Hook
Tony D. Clark
Todd Andrlik
Toby Bloomberg
Steve Woodruff
Steve Bannister
Steve Roesler
Stanley Johnson
Spike Jones
Nathan Snell
Simon Payn
Ryan Rasmussen
Ron Shevlin
Roger Anderson
Bob Hruzek
Rishi Desai
Phil Gerbyshak
Peter Corbett
Pete Deutschman
Nick Rice
Nick Wright
Mitch Joel
Michael Morton
Mark Earls
Mark Blair
Mario Vellandi
Lori Magno
Kristin Gorski
Krishna De
Kris Hoet
Kofl Annan
Kimberly Dawn Wells
Karl Long
Julie Fleischer
Jordan Behan
John La Grou
Joe Raasch
Jim Kukral
Jessica Hagy
Janet Green
Jamey Shiels
Dr. Graham Hill
Gia Facchini
Geert Desager
Gaurav Mishra
Gary Schoeniger
Gareth Kay
Faris Yakob
Emily Clasper
Ed Cotton
Dustin Jacobsen
Tom Clifford
David Pollinchock
David Koopmans
David Brazeal
David Berkowitz
Carolyn Manning
Craig Wilson
Cord Silverstein
Connie Reece
Colin McKay
Chris Newlan
Chris Corrigan
Cedric Giorgi
Brian Reich
Becky Carroll
Arun Rajagopal
Andy Nulman
Amy Jussel
AJ James
Kim Klaver
Sandy Renshaw
Susan Bird
Ryan Barrett
Troy Worman
Now, stop reading and get back to work!
This is gonna be fun and interesting. Thanks to you and Drew for getting this going.
Posted by: David Reich | 20 April 2007 at 04:08 PM
This is gonna be fun and interesting. Thanks to you and Drew for getting this going.
Posted by: David Reich | 20 April 2007 at 04:09 PM
Can't wait to see the finished product!
Posted by: Steve Woodruff | 20 April 2007 at 08:44 PM
I'm so excited to see how this turns out! What a great idea!!!
Posted by: Emiyl | 21 April 2007 at 02:20 AM
Gavin, I can't wait to see the finished product!
Posted by: Becky Carroll | 21 April 2007 at 09:43 AM
After seeing the full list of writers, I'm even more frightened than I was before. This is going to be super-mega awesome... even with my crap.
Thanks for working with Drew to pull this off.
Posted by: Tim Jackson | 21 April 2007 at 02:47 PM
I love seeing dreams become reality. :)
Many thanks to you and Drew for dreaming this up, and for getting this all starting in such a generous way to involve so many others.
This ALREADY rocks.
Posted by: KG | 22 April 2007 at 11:25 AM